অদ্বৈতবেদান্তসম্মত মায়াতত্ত্ব: বৈদিকবাঙময়ানুসারী একটি তাত্ত্বিক অন্বেষণ
The Advaita Vedanta school of thought is part of Vedanta philosophy, one of the six chief theist Indian philosophical schools. The theory of ‘Maya’ holds a special significance in Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Since Maya is a technical term in Vedanta philosophy, it is casily assumed that the term is aligned to a theoretical structure. This study seeks to explore both ‘Tattvamaya’ (the theory based on Maya) and ‘Shabdamaya’ (the meaning of the word). The Advaita philosophers, Gaudapadacharya and Shankaracharya, fully developed Tattvamaya (the theory of Maya) in their thought, and presented ‘Mayavada’ as a theory in Advaita Vedanta philosophy. However, they were not the first to use the term ‘Maya’. The word ‘Maya’ has been mentioned several times in Vedic literature, such as in the Samhita or Mantrabhaga, Brahmanical literature, and Upanishad-literature. The question therefore arises, whether the development of this theory (Mayatattva) resulted from the original thinking of both Gaudapadacharya and Shankaracharya, or whether the theory is a well-organised reiteration of the term as found scattered throughout the Vedic literature preceding Advaita Vedanta. This essay, therefore, also attempts to examine whether the meaning of ‘Mayatattva’ as found in Advaita Vedanta, is revealed in the Vedic literature that precedes it.
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